The ISARR software platform
AI-Powered Tools for Risk, Resilience and Security
Empowering organisations with AI-driven insights and tools, to manage risk, ensure continuity, and build resilience.
Make informed decisions to safeguard people, assets, and reputation while driving data-driven growth.
Tailored Solutions, Your Unique Needs


Recent News

ISARR unveils BoydAI, a natural language query interface for data retrieval and analysis
Inspired by Strategic Brilliance
BoydAI is named after John Boyd, a legendary military strategist and the architect of the OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) – a decision-making framework emphasising speed, flexibility, and situational …
AUCSO partners with ISARR in a pioneering benchmarking initiative for Higher Education security
AUCSO announces first of its kind Higher Education security benchmarking in partnership with ISARR
The Association of University Chief Security Officers (AUCSO) has announced a partnership with ISARR, a bespoke risk, resilience, and security ma…